PHSA have developed a tailored intervention program to identify and address biopsychosocial barriers hindering a participants safe, durable and cost-effective recovery and return to work.  Participants can be referred for Solace™ as a sole service delivered by PHSA or can be used as an adjunct to workplace rehabilitation service delivery (with PHSA or an alternate workplace rehabilitation provider)

Solace™ Program for Participants

PHSA understands that recovery and return to work post injury / illness can be a challenging and sometimes overwhelming experience. Particularly where you may not be feeling yourself from a physical or mental health perspective.

Solace™ has been designed by PHSA to help identify and address your key areas of concern around your injury / illness, recovery and return to work whether this be a return to your original employer or whether you are seeking new employment.

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    Solace™ Program for Employers

    Solace™ is a tailored intervention program to identify and address biopsychosocial factors (yellow flags) preventing an individual’s safe, durable and cost effective recovery and return to work.

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